I have just opened my blog today!
at last..this is just because i need to have access to my friend's fiancee blog
the sole reason is to get the recipe!! what a coincidence!
if not, there would be no chance of having this blog to be updated
Its been ages the last time i opened my blog
and the statistic showed more than 11,800!!
if i count back, i only opened my blog a couple of time,
i dont know how could so many people have viewed my blog
it might be a good thing though..
or maybe its just the google thingy..
or is it the name kurangkan that famous?haha
There are a lot of people asked me why have i come up with such a name for my email
there is a story behind it..i will share it out next time i.allah
so for the time being, this is just quick update from me
wish i will have the passion to update my blog again!
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