Sunday, 13 December 2009
finally I have Found an application that enable me to post something out to my blog using my iPhone
this is just awesome..therefore this post is being made as to test on how it's like to post a blogpost from Iphone..
therefore it has given me a lot more reason or blogging after this! what am I thinking today?
thinking of going to the mosque today..there is a talk that will be organised by SMSA Islamic officer..and other than that, I might as well just need to start Reading corporate finance book.
this incoming week will be another busy week for me! although it's the last one before the holiday! it's too bad but I have nothing to complain because Im already in my final year of studying!
this is the thing which perhaps Makes us wiser, more matured, more knowledgable and hopefully marketable in the job Market! keep on teling my self to keep up the momentum..
This is my responsibilty, this is the main purpose why have I been sent here ,being separated with my family,friends and the very hot tropical climate of my beloved country, Malaysia.
I really hope that I can pass my final year with flying colours..there are too many things being put at stake here, the family, the future, and most importantly the expectation from other people towards u..Having been selected from to study overseas somehow has put u into this kind of position. it's inevitable but u just need to carry on!
enough with mumbling about all those kind of things and it's the time to kick start my day.hopefully Allah will always with us in whatever things we do..keep remember Allah,I.Allah you'll find your ways..
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, 12 December 2009
mr kurangkan is back

Monday, 27 April 2009
exam time!
salam wbt,,
Dear blog...
the clock shows its 21.24 pm..i've just had dinner..trying to get myself to get into the desk and start my financial accounting extra practice for revision question...
BUT..why am i cant get my revision started??? feeling sooo guilty for having not started yet..
but there is nothing i can do..cant help myself anymore...ya allah please help me..the laziness strikes in..
now i have started to wonder..why are human when they were given with all the fine things around them..started to feel sluggish...everything is taken for granted..they feel the success is behind them even though they did not performing and working hard to get them..
and then when they fail, they started to feel guilty and blaming others for their failure...this is human weak, so dependent, but yet they still very supercilious..they think they can realize everything they asked for..
but its the reality of life..if your not working hard to get your dream, no one's gonna give u all in all from the heaven..
a quote to get me motivated!!
Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, desperation, perspiration and inspiration.
Evan Esar
it shows here there are no success without much effort!!
therefore, hairul you have 8more days to goo!! its never tooo late!!
back to study now...
Sunday, 26 April 2009

just a copy and paste from the note that i made in facebook...
salam wbt...
the first note ever made by me on faceboook!!
yeah..basically im not really good in writing things but i think this time i need to
because im soo not feeling content with the situation surrounding me..
first of all, i was just wondering why there are some people in the community who prefer to live quit contently among themselves and colleagues without taking much part of their life to contribute to the community.
it is disappointing to have known living among student with immense potential and skill who have been carefully selected among the thousands to study overseas but end up just live quietly and contently and let the very same old people to take charge of the society.
it is ok to just live and minding your own life without harming others, but is not ok and so COOL to just let the society which in need of our participation to be left struggling finding people to fill up the important posts for its survival.
i know involvement in the society will consume much of your very precious time, but if your are not filling up your time with contributing towards others, what are you gonna fill it with then? do anybody thinks that what will be of more importance, involve and contribute to the community together working for a betterment of the the life of the community as whole or just minding your own life?
this very clearly mentioned in the hadith about the importance of involving ourselves with the community; hadith From Ibn Umar ra : Rasulullah saw said : "The muslim who meets with people and endures any harm they may do is better than he who does not mix with them and does not endure any harm they may do". ( Tirmidhi )
hopefully this post should give everyone a wake up call. We need to live among the community, and the best thing to live among the community is to contribute towards the society. I am in very much hope that everyone in sheffield particularly will shift their paradigm and take the giant leap to invlove ourselves with our beloved society.
SMSA has soo far being the most prominent and established society in sheffield that caters the welfare of the malaysian student, it basically more of a welfare based society that really caters the need of the students rather than just a society in which participated by people to add a good entry into their CV.
the writer is off no interest in SMSA. he is not even a full member of the society. But he is just writing the post with the hope that more people will voluntarily contribute to the society and together working for the betterment of the society to serve the community. May SMSA will always be survived as a society that caters our welfare and draw us closer to allah.Ameen.
Sunday, 5 April 2009
can i be like one??

just wanted to share a very interesting yet very important quote from a very famous
man in the modern History of Islamic Movement...
It is Humbly said, very sincere concentrated with thousands of good messages in which every muslim man and woman should look up for;
"I am a traveler seeking the truth, a human searching for the meaning of humanity and a citizen seeking dignity, freedom, stability and welfare under the shade of Islam. I am a free man who is aware of the purpose of his existence and who proclaims: “Truly, my prayer and my sacrifice, my living and my dying are all for Allah, the Lord of the worlds; no partner has He. This, am I commanded and I am of those who submit to His Will.” This is who I am. Who are you?"
-Imam Assyaheed Hassan Al-Banna-
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
salam from Mr kurangkan

this is my first post!!
alhamdulilah..due to the excessive demand, i on my way creating a blog now!!
im a bit pessimistic for the idea of having a blog mostly because of my assumption that im not really good in writing, i don't have any idea what to write on etc.
But suddenly this changed because i was aspired by my cousin..his blog although very simple, decent and mainly discussing about his life as a student, but it was sincere and full with hope and aspiration which indeed a MUST for all of us..
i will keep on posting to this site insya allah will come up with more exciting stories to be shared with u guys..